更新时间:2025-03-11 18:44 浏览量:2
迪士尼真人版电影《白雪公主》(Snow White),自官宣阵容以来就骂人一片,因为他们选的白雪公主长这样:
What would usually be a big Leicester Square event full of lights and cameras for a £212million live action remake of the 1937 cartoon film, instead there will be no celebration on British soil in an attempt to avoid anti-woke backlash. Instead there will be a 'handful' of tightly controlled press events.
Despite the release date not being until later this month, the film has already been lambasted for having a Snow White played by Latin actress Rachel Zegler and not including the 'seven dwarfs' in the title.
有知情人士透露,在宣传期迪士尼还会尽量减少媒体对新版“白雪公主”瑞秋 ·齐格勒的提问,因为她之前发表的争议性言论,让迪士尼非常头疼。
The decision comes after Snow White actress Rachel Zegler was labelled 'a walking PR disaster for Disney' having made controversial comments about her role.
做出这一决定,是因为《白雪公主》主演 瑞秋·齐格勒发表了关于其角色的争议性言论,被视为 “迪士尼的公关灾难”。
In a 2022 interview Miss Zegler, 23, called the original film 'dated' and critiqued elements like Snow White's relationship with Prince Charming as a 'guy who literally stalks her,' as well as calling the film 'weird'.
在2022年的一次采访中,23岁的 齐格勒称原版动画电影已经“过时”,还批评了其中的一些元素,例如白雪公主与王子的关系,称其为“一个实际上跟踪她的男人”,还称这部电影“怪异”。
An earlier interview also saw Zegler criticising Disney's 'problematic' portrayal of princesses and women in positions of power while noting how the film scared her as a child also only added fuel to the fire.
在早前的一次采访中,齐格勒还批评了迪士尼对公主和女性领导者的刻画 “有问题”,同时指出这部影片在她小时候曾令她感到害怕,这更是火上浇油。